
Irina Kaldrack, Theo Röhle: Creating Subsets of the Masses
Creating Subsets of the Masses
(S. 75 – 100)

Facebook's Open Graph Protocol: a medial promise

Irina Kaldrack, Theo Röhle

Creating Subsets of the Masses
Taxonomies, Orders, and Crowds in Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol

PDF, 26 Seiten

I. Introduction

The German version of Facebook’s homepage greets its visitors with the following euphemistic self-description: “Facebook enables you to connect with the people in your life and to share content with them.”1 If this motto is taken seriously (and there seems to be no reason not to do so, given the platform’s 1.5 billion users), this raises the question of how this connecting and sharing is designed to take place under the conditions of digital technologies and algorithms. What sort of relationship between media and the masses manifests itself in the interaction between formalization, staging (Inszenierung), and user activity on Facebook?

In an effort to answer this question, we direct our attention to one of the central features of Facebook’s technical infrastructure, namely its Open Graph protocol and the various applications, such as the “Like” button, that are based on it. Within a few years, the Like button has become a ubiquitous element of the World Wide Web. It is now possible to “Like” everything from individual texts, videos, and photographs to entire websites. At first glance, the main function of this button is seemingly to rank the popularity of online content by counting the number of times such content has been “Liked.” Upon closer inspection, however, it becomes clear that the growing prevalence of the Like button – and the Open Graph protocol with which it is associated – is establishing a new paradigm of order on the web.

Here we would like to investigate how the use of Open Graph generates a sort of interaction between organization and communication in which the media and the masses mutually (re)configure one another. In this regard, we are especially interested in the technical details of the markup protocol as well as its medial staging and types of use. We hope to focus above all on how the masses are currently ordered and classified by a stratification of algorithmical and staging processes. In historical terms, such processes can be associated with particular medial and phantasmatic conceptions of oversight and emergence. The reconstruction of these historical genealogies will allow us to provide a more precise definition of the interaction between the characteristics of the media and our understanding of the masses.

II. From Like Buttons to Profiles: The Technical Infrastructure of Open Graph

Open Graph is a protocol that enables content on the web to be tagged...

  • Medien des Sozialen
  • Menge
  • Big Data
  • Soziometrie
  • Algorithmen
  • Statistik
  • Soziale Netzwerke
  • Massenpsychologie
  • Social Media
  • Programmierung
  • Facebook
  • Mathematik

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Irina Kaldrack

ist Postdoctoral Researcher am Digital Cultures Research Lab der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg und forscht zu neuen Medien im digitalen Zeitalter. Ihre Forschung konzentriert sich schwerpunktsmäßig auf Medialität technischer Medien, Mediengeschichte, Wissensgeschichte der Bewegung und Kulturgeschichte der Mathematik.

Weitere Texte von Irina Kaldrack bei DIAPHANES

Theo Röhle

ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im DFG-Projekt »Kulturtechnik Unternehmensplanspiel« im Institut für Medienforschung, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig. Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Science and Technology Studies, digitale Wissensordnungen sowie Überwachung und Macht.

Weitere Texte von Theo Röhle bei DIAPHANES
Inge Baxmann (Hg.), Timon Beyes (Hg.), ...: Social Media—New Masses

Mass gatherings and the positive or negative phantasms of the masses instigate various discourses and practices of social control, communication, and community formation. Yet the masses are not what they once were. In light of the algorithmic analysis of mass data, the diagnosis of dispersed public spheres in the age of digital media, and new conceptions of the masses such as swarms, flash mobs, and multitudes, the emergence, functions, and effects of today’s digital masses need to be examined and discussed anew. They provide us, moreover, with an opportunity to reevaluate the cultural and medial historiography of the masses. The present volume outlines the contours of this new field of research and brings together a collection of studies that analyze the differences between the new and former masses, their distinct media-technical conditions, and the political consequences of current mass phenomena.
